Anything that can't be expressed in a sentence is born of weakness.
Or, in Dionysian: Gods speak aphoristically.
Jesus saved me, now I am proudly insane.
"Humans are amoral" is a boring way to say, "We are Gods."
I am creativity become man.
Die with dreams, not memories.
I am a Dionysian. I don't understand myself half the time.
Art is meaning. Interpretations are everything.
Even the way a Dionysian suffers is strong.
They despise weakness — those that pity them.
Or, in Dionysian: A Dionysian suffers strongly.
That which has the best art is the best religion.
He who delights in solitude is both a wild beast and a God.
It's not that I'm mad because I believe I'm a God. It's that I'm a God because I'm mad.
I am an atheist and a Christian.
The strongest atheist, like the strongest Christian, believes in, not just the Bible, but all of religion, philosophy, music, all of history!
Does the sun need reassurance that it is strong, beautiful? No, it just shines.
Psychologists did to Nietzsche what Christians did to Jesus Christ — believing they understood them.
"Nick Monaco" in Dionysian is, "People's champion, alone" — The solitude the sun experiences to shine for everyone.
Philosophers aren't philosophers. Artists are.
Ascribing fixed meaning to art is weak.
I'm gonna reinterpret the Bible like how Ye samples a song.
Life is art. The world is your canvas.
A Dionysian shows gratitude by conquering the world, "Look! What you gave me is eternal!"
I was having a bad day until I remembered: I'm Nick Monaco.
What do you call an atheist that walks like Jesus?
I am sensitive to weakness.
It is an attack on God to claim his word is understood.
An understood idea is dead or decomposing.
It is only through an artist's insult to God, their own interpretation, that God is revived.
I am incoherent and delusional (like a true Dionysian). I paint with words, philosophies, religions, dogmas.
The greatest are aware of their greatness, wearing it proudly, not humbly.
A Dionysian must be prepared to sacrifice success in this life for success post-mortem.
Or, in Dionysian: If you aim for success in this life you are not aiming high enough.
What is this society's idea of success relative to those of legendary civilizations? A laughing stock.